Silver Linings
Even though we have had to stay home more because of Covid, I have had more time to spend doing things I like. These are some of my Silver Linings of being homes schooled. When we first had to stay home, I didn’t really like it. I didn’t know what to do. One of the things that I do like about homeschooling is having more free time. During my free time I like to play legos, go scootering, and go to the pool.
When I play legos these are some of the things I like to make. Sometimes I make a lego house. I make it multicolored with big doors and small windows. Robots are something I also like to make . I like to make them weird looking and a robot factory for the robots. When I see my friends we make cars that we can smash together.
Since I’ve had more time, I’ve been able to go to the pool. Going to the pool feels good on a hot day. I really like doing cannonballs into the warm water! I am able to bring a friend there. We can be there for 45 minutes. It also feels really good to go swimming underwater.
Another thing I have liked doing has been scootering. It is fun to go down the steep driveway, but not too steep. Going down that driveway helped me get better at going fast. I ride around the block in my neighborhood with my friends.
Even though we are staying at home because of Covid, I am still having fun. I found things that I could do like play with legos, go to the pool, and go scootering. I am looking forward to having the virus over because I’m going to have a giant party afterwards!