Hi my name is Joe. I am a shiny shoe. I get polished each night with the best polish. My owner, Paul, is rich. Paul makes his butler polish me each night. I really like being clean. I am a green shoe. Paul really likes money, and that’s why he likes the color green. My owner wears me to his business meetings and when he makes money. Paul wears me once a week at the most, because I am special.
I like to think of myself as the king of shoes because I’m so shiny, and I get polished the most! When other shoes look at me, they don’t think I’m as special as I think I am. They don’t think that I am the king of shoes. They just think I’m a normal, shiny shoe. I live in a shoebox that is very cushiony. It’s like being on a big couch. The shoebox is also green and shiny, like me! Paul keeps the shoebox in a special spot in his closet.
One day, Paul met someone named John at a business meeting. He was wearing shiny, red shoes. I felt a lot of competition with those red shoes. One of the red shoes told me, “I’m a lot shinier than you!” So I told him, “Well, I’m a lot greener than you!” I thought that the red shoe and me might be rivals, but maybe we could be friends too!
Paul and his new coworker John had to work on a project together. At first we shoes tried to keep as much space between us as possible. Then, Paul and John needed help from another person who was wearing shiny, GOLD shoes. The shiny, gold shoes thought that the shiny me and the shiny red shoes didn’t look as good as they did. The gold shoes were vain.
I teamed up with the red shoes and we put those gold shoes in their place. One night we went to where the gold shoes got polished. We filled the polish container with black varnish that you would put on wood. Then when the gold shoes got polished they turned black. The person didn’t like the way his gold shoes looked, and he scraped off the black varnish. Then he got some more polish and made them look shiny again. Since our plan didn’t work, the next night, we put very gritty sand into the polish container to make it all bumpy. When the gold shoes got polished again, this time they were covered with bumps! The owner didn’t want to risk rubbing off the gold, so he left them how they were. The gold shoes have been bumpy ever since. The red shoes and I stayed good friends. THE END