There is a house on the outskirts of the city. It is a big old house, and there are rumors of it being haunted. It creaks and rocks. The house is made of wood and stone, and there are vines creeping up the side. Some windows are cracked, and on Halloween it glows green. Everett gets chills every time he walks by the house.
Everret is a smart kid and good at making traps. He wears a striped, red and white shirt with long sleeves. He has blonde curly hair, a round head, and brown eyes. Everett has a backpack with a lot of stuff, a computer, and tools. He wears blue jeans, with the knees a little worn out. He also wears red and white, dirty tennis shoes that are a little torn up.
Johnny is Everret’s best friend. They are in the same class. He wears a red baseball cap that is torn up a little. He has brown hair, dirt on his face, and he has an oval head. Johnny’s eyes are green. He has one freckle on his cheek. Johnny is an inch smaller than Everret. He is more of a “rough & tumble” kind of guy. Johnny is wearing a dark blue t-shirt that has dirt stains. He has grass stains on his dark green camo shorts. He doesn’t really care too much about style or how he looks. A week before Halloween, Johnny and Everret rode their bikes home from school together.
Joe and Bob are friends from school too. They are also riding bikes home that day. When they pass by the house, Johnny says he’s not scared of it. Then Joe and Bob dare Everett and Johnny to go into the house. Joe and Bob are chanting for them to go into the house, they will feel embarrassed if they don’t. As they walk in, the doors slam shut. Then a green mist is in the air. They can hear creaking sounds. The people outside are trying to open the doors, but can’t. Everett and Johnny are stuck in the haunted house.
There is a loud “Crash!!!!!!!!” and a light falls on the ground. Then they hear something say, “Ouch!” Everett says, “Who goes there?” Then, the voice says, “Aaaa
Then a ghost flies right in front of them. It is slimy and gooey, it has a big mouth, and it is red. The ghost goes further into the mansion. The floor starts to creak below them. Before they can even think a trapdoor opens up underneath them, and then they fall into a cage. They look around and see five ghosts. The first ghost is blue and skinny. The second ghost is yellow and bumpy. The third ghost is big and green. The fourth ghost is white and looks like he has a white tablecloth over him. The last ghost is the red ghost they had seen before. The five ghosts talk about how they plan to haunt the city.
After a while the ghosts head up stairs.That is when everrett sees a bent bar that would be just big enough for them to slip through. When they get out Johnny sees a key he shows Everret the key. Everret says “maybe it opens the door.“ but the key starts to disappear, Johnny grabs the key, “let's go” says Everret. When they get up the stairs a big blob of green goo starts to chase them. They run as fast as they can. When they get to the door they put the key in the door and it disappears….to be continued